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MUST affiliated Zhuhai hospital enhances livelihood cooperation


Updated: 2022-04-24

Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine became an affiliated hospital of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)'s Faculty of Chinese Medicine on April 21, marking another step forward in the cooperation between Zhuhai and Macao in improving people's livelihood.


Plaque unveiling ceremony [Photo by Cheng Lin / Zhuhai Daily]

The two sides have cooperated in using TCM to treat diabetes and gynecological tumors, as well as in developing new TCM medicines since signing an agreement on jointly building a clinical education and research center in 2017.

The hospital was included in the cooperation project agreement signed by MUST and the Zhuhai municipal people's government in 2019, which enables MUST to conduct a trusteeship on a comprehensive hospital in Zhuhai to provide high-quality healthcare service for residents of the two regions.

The two parties signed a cooperation agreement to establish an affiliated relationship in 2021 to give full play to their advantages. A high-level 3A-grade hospital that features clinical research integrating TCM and Western medicine will be constructed. 

MUST's Vice President Tong Ka Lok noted that the Zhuhai hospital has been providing support for the university in clinical application, scientific research, and education. As of now, 22 experts from the hospital have been hired as part-time supervisors for graduate students of MUST's Faculty of Chinese Medicine and they have started enrollment this year, while seven others were selected as teachers for undergraduate courses in 2022. 

MUST began offering five-year full-time TCM bachelor's degree courses in 2000 and is currently the only institution of higher learning in Macao to offer complete TCM education courses. 

Founded in 1984 as Second People's Hospital, the Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine at Gongbei Xiawan Bay is the closest large-scale public hospital in the Chinese mainland to Macao. It is a 3A-grade hospital integrating medicine, education, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention, and rehabilitation services. 

Zhuhai Deputy Mayor Zhang Chen expressed hope that the two parties can deepen cooperation and push forward the construction of education bases, as well as platforms for research and medical services. 

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