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Zhuhai launches patent information public service platform


Updated: 2022-04-28

A patent information public service platform for the city's major industries, such as integrated circuits, was launched April 26 during the Zhuhai 2022 World Intellectual Property Day event held at Gangwan No 1 Science Creation Park in the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan).

The platform currently includes a database and patent navigation function for the IC industry. The Report on IC Patent Navigation was also released during the event, which integrates industry and market research to conduct in-depth analysis on the IC industry in Zhuhai, China, and around the world. It is expected that the report will provide guidance and support for the industrial chain optimization, integration of resources, and enhancement of industrial competitiveness for Zhuhai's IC industry. 

Another report on Zhuhai's trade development in 2021 was released that day, which summarized and analyzed the city's brand construction efforts, while laying out work directions and goals for 2022.


Signing ceremony [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

The Zhuhai branches of China Construction Bank, Bank of China, and Agricultural Bank of China signed a cooperation agreement with Zhuhai Science & Technology Venture Capital to set up an IP pledge financing risk compensation fund in Zhuhai, which will inject financial vitality to the development of local sci-tech innovation enterprises. 

On-site promotion was also held regarding the city's intellectual property policies at Gangwan No 1 Science Creation Park, while 18 consultation counters were set up to provide services in patent applications, rapid legal rights protection, IP pledge, as well as IPO listing consultations for companies and staff members.

As of March 2022, the ownership of invention patents in Zhuhai reached 104.03 per 10,000 people, ranking second in Guangdong Province. Of note, the city had won 40 awards at the 22nd China Patent Awards, ranking fourth in the province.

Wang Xiaobin, director of the Hi-Tech Zone's administrative committee, noted that 802 invention patents have been granted in the zone in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 37.23 percent, bringing the total of the zone's granted patents to 3,671. The local ownership of invention patents reached 184 per 10,000 people, ranking first in Zhuhai. The zone has also distributed IP rewards worth 8.96 million yuan ($1.37 million) last year, according to Wang.

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