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Super industrial community being planned in Jinding Town


Updated: 2022-05-07

Gangwan No 7 Super Industrial Community will be built on the collective land in Jinding Town's Yongfeng Village in the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan), according to an agreement signed by Zhuhai Hi-tech Construction Investment and Yongfong Holdings on April 29.

A subsidiary of Zhuhai Hi-tech Construction Investment successfully won seven land plots in Yongfeng Village in an April 26 bidding held by the Zhuhai Public Resource Trading Center. With total area of over 120,000 sqm (30 acres), it is currently Zhuhai's largest collective land transfer project. 

A 370,000-sqm (91-acre) industrial community is being planned. Together with 70,000-sqm (17-acre) of industrial land on West Jintang Road, Zhuhai Hi-tech Construction Investment will develop a new-type super industrial community with floorage of 600,000 sqm (148 acres), which encourages enterprises in sectors of advanced manufacturing to move their production into high-rises.


Rendering of Gangwan No 7 Super Industrial Community [Photo by Wu Changfu / WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

The village-enterprise cooperation and joint development agreement will enable the Yongfeng Village collective to obtain property share. In addition, the collective construction land use right and all the aboveground buildings will be recovered by the village collective for free after the agreement's circulation period is completed. The collective assets of the village can preserve or even increase their value, ensuring the expansion of villagers' incomes and the village's collective economy. 

Tangjiawan has been actively supporting local communities' collective economic development and promoting growth of industrial clusters through the "government guidance + village and enterprise cooperation + overall development" model.

Pan Feng, general manager of Zhuhai Hi-tech Construction Investment, noted that the enterprise has already achieved success in teaming with villages. It has brought Gangwan No 1 Science Creation Park into existence, which was recently included on the Ministry of Science and Technology's National Science & Technology Enterprise Incubators list.

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