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Zhuhai Fund, VC company wins Chinese Venture award


Updated: 2022-05-16

Zhuhai Hi-tech Venture Capital and Zhuhai Fund won the 2021 China's Most Active Limited Partner awards from Chinese Venture on May 12.

Zhuhai Fund is Zhuhai's only investment fund at the municipal level. It serves Zhuhai's development plans and strategies, backs local advantageous enterprises and introduces key industrial projects, as well as supports the city's industrial upgrading and establishment of high-end industrial clusters.

Focusing on industries like advanced manufacturing, integrated circuits (IC), and health care, the fund has formed a support system for innovative sci-tech enterprises in their whole growth period. Among its beneficiaries are Yunzhou-Tech, Shenzhen-based iCarbonX, and Cowa Robot.

A wholly-owned private equity fund manager subordinated to the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan), Zhuhai Hi-tech Venture Capital runs a foundation of 15.34 billion yuan ($2.25 billion). It prioritizes investing in companies involved in industries like software and IC, smart manufacturing and robotics, as well as biomedicine and medical devices.  

Chinese Venture, a monthly magazine established in 2006, has been reputed as the best magazine in the domestic investment and financing field. The winners have been rated on comprehensive strength, investment capacity, management scale, and investment returns.


Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan) [Photo courtesy WeChat account:zh_gxq]

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