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First urban expressway in Doumen starts construction


Updated: 2022-05-26

Construction started on the 340-m (372-yd) TJ1 part of the North Airport Express Road's Doumen section on May 24, marking the first step in the substantial construction of the district's first urban expressway.

The Doumen section of North Airport Express Road stretches 8.6 km (5.3 miles) from Huangyang Avenue in the north to Zhufeng Avenue in the south. Upon operation, it will connect the two arteries, as well as Huangyang and Xinqing Science & Technology industrial parks to support Zhuhai's "industry first" development strategy and boost regional economic development.


Rendering of North Airport Express Road's Doumen section [Photo by He Tanpo & Yu Haoran / Zhuhai Daily]

An official of the Doumen Transport Bureau noted that the project will create one more expressway for the Jing'an and Xinqing areas, effectively relieving traffic pressure on Zhongxing Road, which is currently the only north-south passage in the Jing'an area.

The project is divided into north and south sections from Hongxing Road, with the TJ1 part being located in its north section. Gao Ruimin of Zhuhai Communication Group said that the 3.9-km (2.4-mile) north section will be built in three years with a two-way six-lane main line and dual four-lane feeders. 

In addition, the overall construction plan for the south section has been confirmed. 

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