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Experts to help propel Tangjiawan's smart manufacturing growth


Updated: 2022-06-02

Twenty-seven industry insiders and investment organization representatives were hired as specially-invited experts of the Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Development Leading Group of Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan) on May 31.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Intelligent Manufacturing Summit was held concurrently that day at Kingsoft Software Park, where gathering 180 attendees from universities, sci-tech, as well as financial research institutions and enterprises. 

Zhang Chenxing, CEO of OptoFidelity Zhuhai and one of the specially-invited experts, said that the leading group will use their cutting-edge researches as strong impetus for Tangjiawan's innovative development.

Li Peigen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chairman of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee, delivered a keynote speech on major features of smart manufacturing development, putting forward the latest development trends of the sector.


Roundtable discussion [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

During the roundtable discussion, experts shed light on pressing issues like how to energize Tangjiawan's high-quality development with sci-tech innovation. Attendees also expressed great confidence in Tangjiawan's smart manufacturing industry's future growth. 

Li Jian, director of the zone's Bureau of Sci-tech Innovation & Industry Development, discussed local preferential policies, including the 2021-25 development plan for the smart manufacturing industry, as well as measures to promote transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing. Lin Jing of the zone's Investment Promotion Center promoted the zone's development environment for the smart manufacturing industry.

Several leading Zhuhai enterprises in the sector brought their technical products and solutions on the industrial internet, artificial intelligence, and digital twinning to exhibition areas outside the summit venue.

The zone has been firmly adhering to Zhuhai's "industry first" development strategy and giving priority to the development of its manufacturing sector. 

The added value of industries above designated size in Tangjiawan increased by 8 percent in the first four months of 2022, of which the added value of the hi-tech and advanced manufacturing industries accounted for 69.5 percent and 76.3 percent respectively.

Tangjiawan will build 50 benchmark digital workshops and smart factories in the next three years, provide intelligent diagnosis for more than 300 manufacturing enterprises, as well as cultivate over 100 local smart manufacturing service providers. 

Zhang Shuming of the zone's Sci-tech Innovation & Industry Development Bureau added that Tangjiawan will help enterprises fully enjoy various preferential policies, as well as help them realize smart transformation and upgrading via one-to-one intelligent diagnoses by third party professional organizations. Enterprises will also be able to pay on-site visits to outstanding smart manufacturing enterprises in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

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