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Rent-only industrial land lots prepared for SMEs in Jinwan


Updated: 2022-06-09

The Jinwan branch of the Zhuhai Natural Resources Bureau allocated a 49,004.81-sq-m (12-acre) land lot for the construction of an industrial plant project of the Electronic Information Industrial Park in Gaolan Port's Equipment Manufacturing Area on June 6, which marked the first instance where industrial land lots were rented to an enterprise to be used to build an industrial plant.

The land lot is located northwest of North Huanzhan Road and east of Middle Tongzhan Road in Jinwan District's Pingsha Town. The local natural resources authority optimized the project initiation, site selection, publicity, as well as examination and approval procedures to reduce the handling time period from over 20 days to 10. 


The 12-acre land lot is circled in red [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

Officials noted during the Zhuhai Industrial Development Conference on April 24 that district governments are encouraged to provide industrial land lots to build standard factories by rent in development districts and industrial parks, aiming to guide the aggregation development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises from downstream and upstream industries of the industrial chain.

An official of the Jinwan branch of the Zhuhai Natural Resources Bureau noted that three land lots, with total area of 420,000 sq m (104 acres), have been chosen to support Jinwan's key industries like smart home appliances, new energy, and high-end equipment manufacturing.

The 57,123.52-sq-m (14-acre) second land lot to be allocated is located west of Sanhu Avenue and north of North Tongzhan Road in Pingsha Town. The third land lot is currently under examination.

Measures like long-term rental, transfer after renting, and flexible rental year limits are available based on the projects' actual development needs. An optimized industrial land lot supplying mechanism adhering to enterprises' development pattern, industry life cycle, and development direction will also be available in Jinwan.

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