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Hongwan Power Plant's new units operational by 2024


Updated: 2022-06-13

Two 400 MW F-level gas-steam combined cycle cogeneration units at Hongwan Power Plant in Hezhou will finish 168 hours of reliable operation and start operation by the end of 2024.

The project, featuring investment of 3 billion yuan ($448 million) from Shenzhen Energy, is a major energy project of Guangdong Province. It aims to promote energy transformation and local high-quality development while supporting Zhuhai's "industry first" development strategy. Preparations were made to ensure construction security and quality of the project. 


Rendering of Hongwan Power Plant [Photo courtesy WeChat account: gh_f42262a5613d]

Upon operation, the project will enhance the emergency supporting capacity of power grids in extreme situations, as well as push forward the energy industry's development in Hezhou and part of Xiangzhou District. 

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