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2022 Youth Talk Zhuhai International Online Dialogue Kicks off

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-06-13

2022 Youth Talk Zhuhai International Online Dialogue officially kicks off on June 12. 


The event was held by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, aiming to set up a communication and exchange platform for youths from Zhuhai, Macao and the sister cities against the backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic, encourage them to build friendship and learn from each other, and jointly act on the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind. About 500 young people from 8 cities of 7 countries participated in the online event by submitting their video speeches themed on "the Charm of My City". 

On June 12, the launch ceremony of 2022 Youth Talk was held in Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai (BNU Zhuhai). Ms Tong Man, Director of Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Cheong Chok Man, Director of Macao Policy Research and Regional Development Bureau, officials of relevant municipal departments, and young representatives from Zhuhai and Macao participated in the ceremony, while Patty Peter, the 40th Mayor of Luganville City of Vanuatu, Jesry T.Palmares,Vice Mayor of Passi City of the Philippines, and young representatives from sister cities, including Braunschweig of Germany, La Spezia of Italy, Zaragoza of Spain, Surakarta of Indonesia, Luganville of Vanuatu, and Passi City of the Philippines participated online.


In her opening speech, Ms Tong Man welcomed representatives from various countries and thanked sister cities, Macao and relevant parties for their great contribution to 2022 Youth Talk. She hoped the online event, whereby young people from different cities home and abroad can engage in dialogues, will boost the international friendship between sister cities and encourage young people to share a global perspective and join hands in building a bright shared future.


[Photos courtesy Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office]

In her opening speech, Ms Tong Man welcomed representatives from various countries and thanked sister cities, Macao and relevant parties for their great contribution to 2022 Youth Talk. She hoped the online event, whereby young people from different cities home and abroad can engage in dialogues, will boost the international friendship between sister cities and encourage young people to share a global perspective and join hands in building a bright shared future.

In the event, 11 video speeches presented by 23 young representatives, which are selected from over 500 entries, are streamed to global audience, displaying the charm of each city from various perspectives and sharing young people's personal bond with their cities. Interactions between young people have also demonstrated their unwavering and pioneering spirit as well as their commitment to jointly creating a beautiful future together.

Chen Tianwei from Yung Wing School in Zhuhai, expressed his love of this beautiful coastal city in his speech and elaborated on Zhuhai's role as the city of youth and vitality, vividly presenting Zhuhai's charm through the city's scenic landscape, and his personal stories with warm-hearted and energetic Zhuhai people.

Joie Peter, a 14-year-old girl from Luganville of Vanuatu, walked the audience through her narration of Vanuatu's second largest city’s historic stories, presenting the diversity of Vanuatu's culture. She is very interested in the school life for oversea students in China. During interaction session, she raised a question regarding scholarship program in China. Imran Khan, a Pakistan student from Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, shared his experience as a scholarship awardee and warmly invited Joie to his school.

Youth Talk is a brand event initiated by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office in 2022 for enhancing youth exchanges. 2022 Youth Talk is co-hosted by Macao Policy Research and Regional Development Bureau, Information Office of Zhuhai Municipal People's Government and Zhuhai Education Bureau, and organized by BNU Zhuhai.

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