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GBA associations, Tangjiawan ally to advance industrial development


Updated: 2022-06-15

Twenty business associations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) signed cooperation contracts with the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan) on June 13 to bolster cooperation in industrial investment attraction and industrial hub operation.

Among them were the Guangdong Manufacturers Association, Guangdong Integrated Circuit Industry Association, Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce, and Dongguan International Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association. 


Contract signing ceremony [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

Yu Quan, secretary general of the Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce, spoke highly of Tangjiawan's geographic location and outstanding business environment during the event. 

Officials put forward at the 13th CPC Guangdong Provincial Congress in May that a 100-km (62-mile) "Golden Inner Bay" will be built around the Pearl River Estuary, bringing coordinated development opportunities to the east and west banks of the PRE.

A main hub for Zhuhai's innovative development, Tangjiawan strives to be in line with Shenzhen's Nanshan District and takes an active role in accumulating and utilizing high-quality industrial resources of the GBA.

Xue Fei, deputy director of the zone's administrative committee, said that Tangjiawan is seeking new opportunities in high-standard industrial hub cooperation with key business associations in the Greater Bay Area.

Aiming to expand industrial development space, Tangjiawan will invest 10.8 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) in building 10 industry 5.0 space projects with floorage of 2.14 million sq m (528.8 acres), including Gangwan No 7 Super Industrial Community and Jinhong Industrial Park.

An additional 2-million-sq-m (494-acre) industry-city integration space will be built for key industries, including IC, new generation electronic information, and medical devices. The Hi-Tech Zone will also renovate or expand 1 million sq m (247 acres) in old factories.

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