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HZMB Zhuhai Port joins Golden Key International Alliance


Updated: 2022-06-22

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Zhuhai Port became a member of the Golden Key International Alliance on June 17, the first-of-its-kind port in China to introduce the alliance's service standards.

Originated in Paris of France, the Golden Key International Alliance is a networked, personalized, professional, and international service brand with a history of 92 years. Since it was formally introduced into China in 1995, it has covered more than 3,400 high-star hotels and service enterprises in 330 cities nationwide.


Plaque awarding ceremony [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

Zhang Xiaowen, general manager of Zhuhai Venture Capital HZMB Zhuhai Port Operation & Management, said that being recognized by the alliance marked one more step forward for HZMB Zhuhai Port in terms of high-quality service.

The port will team with the alliance to formulate a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Service & Management Standardization System with a global perspective to turn the HZMB Zhuhai Port into a key platform for all-round cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, while deepening the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area, added Zhang. 

The HZMB Zhuhai Port is China's only roadway checkpoint connecting the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao. It has served over 21.75 million passengers and over 600,000 trucks, with total imported and exported cargo value of over 300 billion yuan ($45 billion), since it began operation on Oct 23, 2018. 

The port will adhere to Zhuhai's "industry first" development strategy and become a commercial port complex featuring a transportation hub, shopping centers, restaurants, conventions, as well as landmark buildings to help turn Zhuhai into a global coastal tourism city, according to an official of the port. 

In addition, the port's 5G-based smart port application project has been included in the Top 100 Typical Cases of Enterprises' Digital Transformation released by the State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the State Council. The new project is expected to further explore development opportunities in smart tourism and smart business. 

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