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Jingwan rail transit station to be ready in March 2023


Updated: 2022-07-04

Work on Phase II of the Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit entered a new stage on June 30 as Jingwan Station in Hengqin finished its main structure construction and began installation of communication, signaling, power, as well as catenary systems.

Wan Jingquan, an engineer of constructor China Railway Group's Wuhan Railway Electrification Bureau Group, said that the four systems are like meridian vessels of the station, covering the arrival and departure of trains, electrification of ticket selling and checking facilities, as well as displaying of train information.

He added that the installation of the four systems will be carried out together with the station's interior decoration, preparing for the completion of the station in March 2023.

With floorage of 15,065 sqm (3.7 acres), Jingwan Station is located north of Big Hengqin Mt and west of Hengqin Avenue. It connects Hengqin Chimelong Station in the east and East Sanzao Station in the west.


Rendering of Jingwan Station [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

Of note, Jingwan Station's exterior design features abstract patterns of water waves and ripples, using modern architecture design to showcase traditional Zhuhai marine elements. A total of 2,500 metric tons of steel will be used for its structure. Advanced techniques and environmentally friendly materials will be used to ensure construction quality.

Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit, which connects downtown Zhuhai and Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport, is an important part of the rapid rail transit network in the Pearl River Delta.

Currently, Phase I of Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit, stretching from Gongbei station to Hengqin Chimelong station, has been put into operation, while Phase II will include the construction of Jingwan, South Hezhou, East Sanzao, and Zhuhai Airport stations, with a designated speed of 160 km/h (99.5 mph).



Passenger trains running from Gongbei to Chimelong

The first bullet train left Zhuhai Station in Gongbei on a 15-minute trip to Hengqin Chimelong Station at 8:48 am Aug 18.


Track bed poured on Hengqin-airport rail transit

​Concrete pouring of ballastless track bed was completed Jan 4 for the first 50-m (55-yd) section of Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II's east line in Hengqin.

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