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Jinwan Central Lake Park ready by late July


Updated: 2022-07-05

The music laser fountain at Jinwan Aviation New Town Central Lake resumed operation on July 1 after renovation and debugging. Lake-related engineering and a "theatre-style" park have been recently completed, while the nearby embankment facilities will be finished by the end of July.

The 180,000-sq-m (44-acre) Central Lake is surrounded by Jinwan Aviation New Town Civic Arts Center, the Public Cultural Service Center (District Library and Archives Hall), Huafa International Business Center, as well as Jinwan Huafa Mall.

Encased by Jinshan and Jinhe avenues as well as East and West Yinghe roads, the park encompasses water surface area of 120,000 sq m (30 acres). Wooden waterborne platforms, steps, a square, and performance arena will also be added.

Gao Sichun, assistant general manager of project developer Zhuhai Huajin Development & Construction, said that the lake's west bank will focus on commerce, its east bank be used for leisure, and north bank designed for business, while the south bank will house a music laser fountain and wetland park to showcase regional vitality.


Aerial view of Jinwan Aviation New Town Central Lake [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

To purify water in the lake, 75,000 sq m (19 acres) of wild celery has been planted in the lakebed. Gao noted that the aquatic plant has strong water purification effects and that the lake will be clear in one month, making it looks like a mirror reflecting nearby buildings including the Jinwan Aviation New Town Civic Arts Center. Created by Zaha Hadid Architects, the civic arts center boasts a gem-like design inspired by flocks of birds and drifting sails.

Sponge city concepts have also been implemented to help with the lake's flood drainage system. When the lake's water level is relatively low, rainwater collected will be diverted to the lake. In cases of high water levels and heavy rainfalls, the lake water will flow to nearby rivers to avoid floods.

Located at the core area of the park's southern zone, the music fountain is 100 m (328 ft) long, 80 m (262 ft) wide, and occupies 8,000 sqm (2 acres). It features lattice water films, dazzling laser lights, and outdoor theater sound systems that interact with lake-circled lighting belts and luminous architecture. Visitors will be able to enjoy the integration of buildings, music, and water anywhere around the fountain.



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