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Zhuhai to prepare 910,000 apartments by 2035


Updated: 2022-07-06

Zhuhai's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and 2035 Long-term Goals on Housing were approved during a recent executive meeting of the Municipal People's Government, in which the city strives to solve insufficient housing development and ensure that high-quality homes are available to the public.

A total of 320,000 apartments will be offered by Zhuhai during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), including 210,000 new commercial housing units and 10,000 rental housing units for enterprises and institutes.

In addition, the city will stabilize the development of its housing supply by adding more than 910,000 apartments by 2035, of which 60 percent of them will be public-rental, affordable rental, and joint-ownership housing units, as well as talent apartments.


Rendering of an affordable rental housing project in Nanping [File photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

The plan put forward four tasks: strengthening the regulation and management of commercial housing prices; establishing a new urban housing security system that enables residents, especially young people, workers, and immigrants to find homes; improving the long-term rental housing policy and standardized development of the rental housing market; as well as improving the living quality in Zhuhai and turning the city into a model city for people's livelihood.

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