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Honghe Bridge, Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway to start tolls


Updated: 2022-07-07

Toll collections on Honghe Bridge and Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway will start from July 9 as online fault detection assessment has been completed for their toll collection systems.

Motorists will pay 0.60 yuan (9 cents) per kilometer to cross the 9.65-km (6-mile) charging section of the Honghe Bridge, while ETC holders will be exempted the toll until Jan 9, 2023.


Honghe Bridge [Photo by Li Jianshu / Zhuhai Media Group]

Starting from Saturday, vehicles on the four-lane expressway between the Hezhou North and South interchanges of the Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway will pay 0.45 yuan (7 cents) per km, while those on the six-lane expressway between the Hezhou South and Gaolan Port interchanges need to pay 0.60 yuan for every km.

Passenger vehicles will be charged at a ratio of 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 times of the standard tolls according to their categories, while trucks will be charged at a ratio of 1, 2.1, 3.16, 3.75, 3.86, and 4.09.

For further information, please contact the hotline +86-756-8821100.



Toll collections for Honghe, Xianghai bridges set to start

​Toll collections will start on Xianghai and Honghe bridges later this year as part of Zhuhai's traffic management plans, officials of the Zhuhai Transportation Bureau announced during an interview on May 20.

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