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Zhuhai unveils new plans on water, marine protection


Updated: 2022-07-08

Zhuhai's 14th Five-Year Plans on Water and Marine Ecological Environment Protection (2021-25) were approved in a recent executive meeting of the Municipal People's Government, supporting the construction of a "beautiful Zhuhai."

The water ecological environment protection plan focuses on the pressing issues of water supply security, domestic sewage collection rate, industrial sewage treatment, agricultural and rural pollution control, water system connectivity, as well as water ecological environment protection. Targeted measures have been designed for the Qianshan River, as well as the Modaomen, Jitimen, and Hutiaomen waterways.

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Baishi Bridge on Qianshan River [Photo by Ye Qiuming / Zhuhai Media Group]

Sixteen goals were listed in the plan, such as surface water quality for all State-controlled water sections in Zhuhai will be rated excellent (Grade I level) by 2025.

Meanwhile, the city's marine ecological environment protection plan laid out six main tasks: firmly adhering to green development to boost the marine economy's high-quality growth; continuously improving the offshore environment; increasing the stability of the marine ecosystem; pushing forward construction and protection of beautiful bays; increasing marine environmental risk prevention and control capabilities; as well as establishing a marine ecological environment governance system.

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