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Tangjiawan turns old factories into innovative cultural park


Updated: 2022-07-13

Nazhou Art Innovation Park in Nazhou Village of Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone's Tangjiawan Town unveiled its plaque on July 9 with 14 artists settling in its Art Creation section.

Renovated from old factories, the park focuses on the development of cultural industries, especially the painting arts. The remaining part of the park will start construction later this year and is scheduled to be completed in early 2023.


Rendering of Nazhou Art Innovation Park [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

The park currently has three buildings: a single-story building for restaurants and small exhibition rooms; a two-story one mainly for offices, exhibitions, and selling of art crafts; as well as a three-story facility with public exhibition and exchange areas and 14 painting rooms to bring immersive sketch experiences for painting enthusiasts.

Built in the Jingtai period (1450-56) of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Nazhou Village is the hometown of Gu Yuan, a People's Artist, woodprint maestro, and the former president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. The village enjoys picturesque natural scenery, which makes it suitable for art creation.

Construction of the Nazhou Art Innovation Park has been considered as a new measure in promoting the high quality integration of Nazhou Ancient Village's history and art culture.

Huang Jinrong, deputy Party secretary of Nazhou Community, said that the park will give full play to Gu Yuan's appeal, attract more famous artists to settle, and utilize cultural arts to boost rural vitalization.

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