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Baiteng River section of Hengqin-airport rail transit connected


Updated: 2022-07-14

All 156 girders for the Baiteng River section of the Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II project have been installed as of July 9 after 740 days of construction, marking the connection of this section.


Workers install the last girder for the Baiteng River section of Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II [Photo by Li Jianshu / Zhuhai Daily]

The section stretches over Baiteng River's main channel from Hezhou Island to East Jinhai Road in Jinwan's Sanzao Town. Construction on its steel pipe arch and rail tracks will start soon.

In an effort to ensure Phase II of the Airport Urban Rail Transit's opening in the first half of 2023, workers are moving forward construction, including concrete pouring for beams reserved for the future Hezhou South Station, the final touches on the Modaomen Waterway section of Jinhai Bridge, and electrical engineering construction on part of the project.

The 22.8-km (14.2-mile) Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II project starts from Hengqin Chimelong Station and heads west to Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport. It includes stops at Jinwan, Hezhou South (reserved), Sanzao East, and Zhuhai Airport stations. With a designated speed of 160 kmph (99.5 mph), the railway will help Zhuhai form an intercity rail passage connecting Xiangzhou, Hengqin, and Zhuhai Airport.



Track bed poured on Hengqin-airport rail transit

​Concrete pouring of ballastless track bed was completed Jan 4 for the first 50-m (55-yd) section of Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II's east line in Hengqin.

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