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Construction of Xianghai Bridge, Xingye Expressway make progress


Updated: 2022-07-25

The channel bridge of Xianghai Bridge over the Modaomen Waterway's main shipping lane was connected on July 21 after six hours of pouring 160 metric tons of concrete. 

Construction of the bridge's ancillary facilities is underway, as is the installation of the precast beam of its section in Zhongshan's Tanzhou Town, preparing for the project's full connection in August. The entire project is expected to open and begin operation before the 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China), which will take place at the Zhuhai International Air Show Center in Jinwan from Nov 8 to 13.


 Xianghai Bridge is under construction [Photo by Li Jianshu / WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Meanwhile, construction has been completed on the Meihua-Tanzhou interchange section of the bridge feeder, which is currently undergoing toll collection system debugging.

In addition, both sides of the two tunnels in the west line of the north section of the Xingye Expressway have also been connected. The 5.8-km (3.6-mile) tunnel goes through Fenghuang (Phoenix) Mt and is moving forward construction like the finishing works related to structural engineering, installation of mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as decoration. The east line of the project is now excavating the remaining 300-m (328-yd) tunnel.

The 17-km (11-mile) Y-style north section of the Xingye Expressway starts from Meihua Road in the south and divides into two tunnels each in the east and west at the Fenghuang Mt valley. The east one goes through Fenghuang Mt and under Jishan Community, Sun Yat-sen University's Zhuhai campus, heading towards Tangle Road alongside Gangwan Avenue. The west line goes over East Jintang Road to end at Hagongda Road and the Gaoxin Interchange.



Tunnel through Fenghuang Mt connected on Xingye Express

​The right passage of the west line tunnel in the north section of the Xingye Express was drilled through on May 14, while further work like main structure and ventilating shaft construction, as well as mechanical and electrical installation are underway.

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