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Zhuhai's 1st tax service hall without counters opens


Updated: 2022-08-25

Zhuhai's first "zero-service counter" taxation service hall started operation at the Taxation Bureau of Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan) on Aug 22, marking the establishment of a brand-new tax payment environment.

Traditional taxation service counters are nowhere to be found in the hall. Instead, four functional areas are set up, each focusing on consultation, smart taxation services, interactive education for taxpayers, and taxation studios. 


Taxpayers handle affairs under the guidance of staff members at the smart taxation service area [Photo by Zhong Fan / Zhuhai Daily]

Seven self-service taxation terminals with more comprehensive functions are conveniently equipped in the "smart" taxation service area, while professional teams are available at the interactive education area, carrying out promotion and explaining of pressing taxation policies. The taxation studios mainly provide one-on-one services for special groups, as well as those with complicated and special issues. 

The new taxation service hall model can not only save time and money for taxpayers, but also break the space limits of traditional service counters. 

In addition, Zhuhai taxation departments have created a 10-minute taxation service circle citywide on the basis of 157 Party service centers. 

Currently, 233 taxation affairs can be handled through contactless measures and 95 percent of the affairs can be fully handled online. Zhao Jiemei, head of tax service centers for the Zhuhai Taxation Bureau, said that the contactless measures can not only reduce the gathering of people to lower the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading, but also cut down the usage of paper to support green and low-carbon development.

Of note, more innovative measures in providing customized services for special groups, such as foreigners and seniors, will be carried out in the future.

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