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HZMB Zhuhai Port's service standardization system certified


Updated: 2022-09-02

The construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Standard Service management system at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Zhuhai Port successfully passed the review conducted by an expert panel after a two-day on-site assessment and was certified on Aug 30.

The expert panel consisted of representatives of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency,  Macao Green & Environment Protection Industry Association, and Guangdong Association for Quality. In addition, the port's operator Zhuhai Venture Capital HZMB Zhuhai Port Operation & Management was also recognized as a 5A-level standardized good behavior enterprise.


The expert panel makes an on-site review of HZMB Zhuhai Port [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

The HZMB Zhuhai Port united institutions and experts of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao to carry out standardized service construction on the basis of laws, regulations, customs, as well as culture in the three places to elevate the port's management level and core competitiveness.

The management system has also brought better services for visitors of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, becoming an outstanding example for China's port construction.

In addition, the port will cooperate with relevant departments in Guangdong, Hong Kong, as well as Macao to set up an engineering and technical personnel training and professional qualification mutual recognition based on standardized port services in the Greater Bay Area to cultivate more professional talents. 

Of note, the port will focus on building a safe, green, and smart port integrating culture, commerce, as well as tourism functions in the future. It will also promote the coordinated development of cross-city cooperation in 5G smart port construction and modern management service.

It is expected to form a batch of replicable experiences to promote the upgrading and transmission of management services in the Greater Bay Area, contributing to regional growth. 

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