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3 Zhuhai traffic arteries to go through renovations


Updated: 2022-09-05

The Zhuhai Public Engineering Construction Center has started soliciting public opinion on renovation and construction projects on Zhuhai, Jiuzhou, and Jinxi avenues.

The section west of the Jinwan Interchange on Zhuhai Avenue will build 12 new pedestrian overpasses to replace existing zebra crossings, while the slow-traffic road system alongside the section will be improved to separate motorists and pedestrians. 

The main line of the Jinwan Interchange-Shuanghu Road section of Zhuhai Avenue will be widened to have dual 10 lanes with a designated speed limit of 80 kmph (50 mph). Interchanges will also be added to the intersection of Zhuhai Avenue and Dongcheng, Middle Chuangye, Nangang, and Shuanghu roads, as well as Xinggang Avenue to separate traffic flows in different directions.

Supporting facilities, such as optimation of nearby bus stops, will also be covered in the project. 


Design sketch of the renovation project of the Qianshan Interchange to Xingye Express section of Jiuzhou Avenue [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

The renovation project of the Qianshan Interchange to Xingye Express section of Jiuzhou Avenue includes adding overpasses and interchanges to the intersections of Jiuzhou Avenue and Baishi, North Guihua, and 3rd Jianye roads, as well as the Xingye Express to achieve higher transportation efficiency. The dual six lanes of Jiuzhou Avenue's main line will go over Baishi Road and a two-way four-lane auxiliary road will connect with Baishi Road on the ground. 

A pedestrian overpass will be built on the intersection of Jiuzhou Avenue and 3rd Jianye Road. Two dual lanes on North Guihua Road will go over Jiuzhou Avenue, while the other four lanes will remain on the ground. In addition, the dual six lanes of the Xingye Express will go over Jiuzhou Avenue and the dual four lanes of Jiuzhou Avenue will go under the Xingye Express as a tunnel.

Ramps will be set up at the intersection of South Yingbin Road and Jiuzhou Avenue to meet the transportation demands of accessing Banzhang Mt Tunnel from the west and north.

Jinxi Avenue, a dual six-lane transportation artery connecting downtown Xiangzhou District and Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, has partially started construction and is expected to relieve traffic pressure of Jinqin Express upon operation. 

A tunnel through Fenghuang (Phoenix) Mt and a 730-m (798-yd) feeder line will be set up near Qingsongyuan to connect with nearby roads.

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