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Zhuhai moves forward environmental governance of offshore areas


Updated: 2022-09-06

The implementation plan on comprehensive environmental governance for Zhuhai's offshore areas at the mouth of the Pearl River was examined and approved at the executive meeting of the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government on Aug 31.

The city will focus on the continuous improvement of the quality of offshore ecological environment, as well as coordinate ecological protection efforts, such as pollution prevention and control. It is expected that the high-level protection of the marine ecological environment will help boost the high-quality development of coastal economic belts. 


Zhuhai Fisher Maiden Statue in Xianglu Bay and Lingjiaozui Curve of Central Lovers Avenue in Jida [Photo by Tan Weijiang / WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Ten major tasks and 25 key projects were put forward in the plan. For instance, the city aims to have the water quality for 78.4 percent of its areas be rated excellent or good (Grade I or II level) by 2025. In addition, it will focus on optimizing pollution prevention and control mechanisms for ports, ships, aquaculture, as well as marine litter.

Responsibilities for the main bodies of all sewage draining exits will be clearly determined, while related information will be recorded on the Guangdong provincial supervisory system for major sewage draining exits to the sea by the end of 2023 for dynamic management.

It will also strive to have a treatment rate of urban domestic sewage that reaches over 98 percent in 2023, while more than 1,000 km (621 miles) of its sewage pipe network will be built during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25). 

In addition, pollution prevention and control equipment at Zhuhai fishing ports will be upgraded, while all new fishing boats will be required to have complete equipment for oil, domestic sewage, as well as garbage pollution treatment.

Five "beautiful bays" will also be built. Urban-style bays near Lovers Avenue and downtown Zhuhai will optimize construction of their ecological landscape corridors and sightseeing platforms, while Dong'ao and Dolphin bays in the Wanshan Archipelago will make full use of their natural resources, as well as optimize supporting tourism and environmental protection facilities to become tourism-style "beautiful bays."

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