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Expats experience unique Mid-Autumn Festival in Doumen


Updated: 2022-09-14

Nearly 30 expats working, studying, and living in Zhuhai from countries including England, Germany, Austria, Spain, Russia, as well as India participated in an iZhuhai themed tour celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival on Sept 10. 

The delegation visited Jiexia Manor, Luyi Ancestral Hall, and Lingnan Wonderland Eco-Resort National Rural Complex in Doumen District. The foreign friends tried making mooncakes and perfume satchels, getting a close look at Doumen's history and rural vitalization achievements.


The delegation poses for a group photo when visiting Luyi Ancestral Hall [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Philipp Tessenow, a staff member at MTU Maintenance Zhuhai, said that he was very happy to visit Doumen during the Mid-Autumn Festival and learn more about Chinese culture. Although has not been working in Zhuhai for a long time, he has been greatly impressed by the modern city's hospitality and outstanding ecological environment, added Tessenow. 

Reagan Kapilya, an overseas student from Zambia studying at Beijing Normal University's Zhuhai campus (BNU Zhuhai), said that it was the best Mid-Autumn Festival he has ever had in China, noting that visits to Jiexia Manor and Luyi Ancestral Hall allowed him to have a unique experience learning about Chinese history and traditions. 

Tong Man, head of the Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, noted that the event aimed to showcase China's splendid traditional culture and further promote Zhuhai. 

The iZhuhai tours are a long-term innovative event initiated by the Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, which mainly focus on traditional festivals, major events, intangible cultural heritage items, rural vitalization, and green development. The tours have been held thrice this year and were well-received among expats. 

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