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Hengqin 2nd-line checkpoints ready by year end to aid Macao integration


Updated: 2022-09-19

Construction of "second-line" Hengqin Island-the Chinese Mainland customs surveillance zone structures of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin has been completed at the Hengqin Bridge, Hengqin Tunnel, Shenjing Passage, and Hengqin Ferry Terminal.

Ready by December, the high-quality and high-standard "second-line" customs surveillance zones are vital for implementing the Overall Development Plan for Construction of the Cooperation Zone, Hengqin Island-Macao "first-line" and "second-line" customs surveillance, and travel between Hengqin and Macao, said Lei Wai Nong, director of the Cooperation Zone Executive Committee, at a Sept 15 completion ceremony.

The zones will accelerate efficient and convenient flow of resources and elements between Hengqin and Macao, boost high-level integration of the two regions, help Macao better integrate into the country’s overall development, and enrich the “One Country, Two Systems” practice, added Lei.


A "second-line" customs surveillance zone on Hengqin Island [Photo courtesy WeChat account: hengqinzaixian2021]

"Second-line" customs surveillance zones are situated at five passages and seven inspection sites, including Hengqin, North Hengqin, and Zhuhai Chimelong stations of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity MRT extension line. Construction commenced in December 2021.

The customs inspection sites are designed to checkpoint standards and were built over phases following principles of effective inspection, amelioration after construction, and being intelligent, efficient, and highly convenient.

Included are facilities, equipment, and support information systems for customs inspection. Information engineering is well underway in accord with relevant fiscal and tax policies and supervision systems.

Next, the Cooperation Zone Executive Committee will speed up infrastructure for tiered management, including Hengqin Checkpoint Phase II and a "smart checkpoint" public service platform to support Hengqin's closed operation and effective customs surveillance, facilitate Hengqin-Macao integration, and serve Macao moderate economic diversification.

Attending the inspection ceremony Thursday were Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong, Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region Ho Iat Seng, and senior officials of the Management and Executive committees and provincial agencies of the Cooperation Zone, Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs, Gongbei Customs, and Zhuhai General Station of Exit-Entry Frontier.

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