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Zhuhai's largest industry 5.0 space project to be ready by year end


Updated: 2022-09-26

The first batch of 23 girders, each weighing eight metric tons with a length of 7.9 m (7.6 yds), for four buildings in the Pingsha Electronics Industrial Park in Jinwan District was hung to designated position on Sept 21, marking the start of the park's main structure construction.

Pingsha Electronics Industrial Park, with floorage of 737,000 sqm (182 acres), is currently Zhuhai's largest industry 5.0 space project under construction with the most completed supporting facilities. Its total investment stands at 2.9 billion yuan ($408.4 million).


Construction site of Pingsha Electronics Industrial Park [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

The entire project will be built in only 180 days and the structures of its factories, such as girders, boards, stairs and exterior walls, will be constructed by assembling prefabricated elements, enabling the main structure construction to be finished in November.

The project started construction in June and its contractor has finished major tasks such as excavating 600,000-cubic-meter of earth, arranging hundreds of pile machines to work at the same time, and resisting impacts of typhoons and rain storms. 

At present, nearly 1,000 workers are taking turns to move the work forward and a total of 5,000 workers are expected to work on the construction site to ensure the project's completion by the end of 2022. 

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