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Zhuhai maintains stable economic growth in Jan-Aug period


Updated: 2022-09-28

Zhuhai maintained high-speed growth in its industrial production and stable economic growth in the first eight months of 2022, according to the Zhuhai Municipal Statistics Bureau.

The added value of Zhuhai industries above designated size increased by 7.5 percent to 95.63 billion yuan ($13.35 billion) from January to August and that of the seven pillar industries made up 80.7 percent of the city's total. 


Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

Zhuhai's electronic information, household electrical appliances, and biomedical industries saw relatively rapid growth of 9.5 percent, 21.5 percent, and 16.1 percent respectively. 

Its hi-tech, equipment, and advanced manufacturing industries each achieved a growth rate of 9.6 percent, 11.1 percent, and 10 percent respectively in the January-August period, being 2.1, 3.6, and 2.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of the added value of Zhuhai industries above designated size.

The fixed-asset investment of Zhuhai decreased by 10.6 percent in the first eight months, which was 2.9 percentage points less than that in the January-July period of the year. Its industrial investment expanded by 52.8 percent and manufacturing investment grew by 63.4 percent. 

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