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Decade-long friendship between Zhuhai, Gold Coast bears fruit


Updated: 2022-10-10

Zhuhai and the Gold Coast, which is located south of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, have seen numerous development opportunities through exchanges and cooperation in the past decade since the two cities established friendship-city ties in 2012. 

A book exchange event was recently held by the two cities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their friendship-city relationship.


Gold Coast donates 32 English books to Zhuhai [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Zhuhai possesses the largest sea area, the most islands, and the longest coastal line among cities in the Pearl River Delta, giving it the reputation of "City of A Hundred Islands." 

The Gold Coast shares many similarities with Zhuhai as it is renowned for its 57-km (35-mile) shoreline that is home to many of the country's most popular beaches. It has developed from a small fishing village to a popular coastal resort in Australia that serves as a paradise for surfers, welcoming around 14 million tourists annually before the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

Moreover, both cities offer great vitality and are clustering emerging industries. In recent years, Zhuhai has been devoting great efforts to developing emerging industries and attracting high-caliber talents, while the Gold Coast is home to many innovative industries like yacht building and construction, information technology, food processing, medicine, tourism, sports, as well as film and music production. The Australian city is now a global leader in environmental protection industries, such as sewage disposal, pollution control, land and coastal management, as well as energy renewal. 

Colorful cultural exchanges between the two cities have been carried out over the past decade. Zhuhai Number 8 Middle School in Xiangzhou District forged sister-school ties with a local school in Gold Coast in August 2013 and has carried out regular student and teacher exchanges since then.

A city image exhibition of the Gold Coast took place at the Guyuan Museum of Art in May 2017, showcasing the city's charm from the different perspectives of urban landscapes, culture, and development. An exhibition showcasing Zhuhai was later held in the Gold Coast in July 2018. 

Tom Tate, mayor of the Gold Coast, sent a letter of congratulations to Zhuhai in August 2020 for the 40th anniversary of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, expressing hope that Zhuhai would have a more promising future and that the relationship between two cities would become closer. 

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