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Hezhou handles 3.3b yuan in cross-border e-commerce goods in 2022


Updated: 2022-10-11

Zhuhai Hezhou Cross-border E-commerce Supervision Center experienced the annual export business peak and inspected more than 130,000 exported packages during the week-long National Day Holiday, which ran from Oct 1 to 7.

The center has become an ideal place for many domestic brands to let their products go through customs inspections at Hezhou before being exported to airports in Hong Kong and Macao for further distribution globally. Most of the products are domestically made clothing, home appliances, toys, and decorations.


Customs staff members inspect packages for export [Photo courtesy Nanfang Plus]

Hengqin Customs has released customized inspection and contingency plans for the center ahead of the business peak.

The center has handled more than 3.3 billion yuan ($463.9 million) worth of export business since the start of this year, involving markets in 18 overseas countries and regions, such as Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, as well as Malaysia, according to the center's operator Zhuhai Youkua Supply Chain.

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