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Extraordinary decade of Zhuhai

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-10-16

From 2012 to 2022, on a historic journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Chinese people wrote an extraordinary and exceptional chapter.

From 2012 to 2022, Zhuhai moved forward by seizing opportunities and overcoming difficulties. With an unwavering spirit and painstaking efforts, Zhuhai made extraordinary achievements.

Today, in the following aspects, we will sum up this extraordinary decade in the city's development.

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64a9430a184ed00c2f309e22.jpg Moving 'Qingming Festival by the Riverside' on exhibition in Zhuhai

Piquing Interest

`.jpg Zhuhai islands aim high in tourism

Living Here

1.jpg Hong Kong-Macao residents guided into living in Zhuhai
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