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Simulation of China's space station an Airshow China highlight


Updated: 2022-11-04

A simulated exhibition of China's space station, which mirrors the real one, has arrived at Exhibition Hall 7 of the Zhuhai International Air Show Center in Jinwan District, with pipeline network installation currently underway. 

The exhibition, which was brought by China Aerospace Science and Technology, took more than three months to manufacture as it includes more than 200 pieces of equipment with code names and over 400 types of structural accessories.

Entrances and stairs are available at the Tianhe core and Wentian lab modules, allowing visitors with reservations to enter and have a close look at the two modules. Facilities including lighting effects and air conditioners are installed, while QR codes are placed in front of every exhibit inside for people to scan and learn more about the exhibits. 


Simulated exhibit of China's space station is covered in white cloth

China Aerospace Science and Technology is expected to showcase more than 200 exhibits at the upcoming 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China), which will open on Nov 8.

Near to the exhibition of China's space station stand the country's new generation of carrier rockets and engines. Among them are the Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket, which has a takeoff thrust of 5,000 metric tons that was customized for launching the China's space station, as well as an 80-ton reusable liquid oxygen methane engine. 


Two workers check rockets to be displayed [Photos by Liang Guanxian / Zhuhai Daily]

Of note, the FH-97A, the latest prototype model of the J-20 stealth fighters' wing plane FH-97, will make its debut.

Moreover, a series of events, including contract signing ceremonies for major projects, forums, and launching fairs, will bring more new topics and visual experiences to Airshow China visitors.


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