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Traffic control plan for 14th Airshow China

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-11-07

The 14th Airshow China will be held at Zhuhai International Airshow Center from November 8 to 13. To ensure safe and smooth traffic during the event, Zhuhai traffic police have announced a traffic control plan for certain areas in the city. Multiple traffic measures will be jointly implemented by the city's traffic police and transportation departments.

Traffic ban:

Airport East Road and the core zone of the Airshow Center

1. From 6:00 to 20:00 on November 8-13, a traffic ban will be implemented on Airport East Road (Jinwan Road and Jinhai East Road):For Airport East Road (Jinwan Road and Jinhai East Road), only authorized vehicles, coaches, and emergency support vehicles will be allowed.
For Jinwan Interchange on Zhuhai Avenue from east to west, vehicles will be prohibited from turning left to enter Airport East Road (Jinwan Road).


For Zhuhai Avenue from west to east, vehicles will not be allowed to turn right to enter Airport East Road (Jinwan Road).

For Huxin Road from north to south, vehicles will be banned from going straight to enter Airport East Road (Jinwan Road).

2. With the Airshow Center at the heart, a core zone, control zone, and guidance zone will be set up respectively. A driving ban will be in place in the core zone.


The core zone refers to the area on the south of Jinhai'an Avenue, Jinwan District (including the southern section of Airport Road, Jinhai East Road, and the exhibition section of Airport Road). In principle, only authorized vehicles and public transport vehicles (special buses, shuttle buses, and tourist coaches) are allowed to enter this zone.

The control zone refers to the area outside the core zone and on the south of the West Coastal Expressway. Actions will be taken to regulate traffic flow in this zone.
The guidance zone refers to the area outside the core zone and control zone. Real-time measures will be taken in this zone to guide traffic flow on the expressways and main roads towards the Airshow Center.

Odd-even traffic restrictions:

Zhuhai Avenue, Honghe Bridge, Hegang Expressway, and Zhuhai Link Road of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

During the exhibition, small passenger vehicles with up to seven seats will be subject to traffic restrictions based on odd- and even-numbered license plates on such road sections as Zhuhai Avenue, Honghe Bridge, Hegang Expressway, and Zhuhai Link Road of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Authorized vehicles, large passenger vehicles, cruising taxis, and emergency support vehicles will be exempted from these measures.

01 Restriction time

From 6:00 to 20:00 during the exhibition period (November 8-13)

02 Restriction scope

Zhuhai Avenue (Nanping Interchange-Jinwan Interchange section), Zhuhai Link Road of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Honghe Bridge, and Hegang Expressway

03 Restriction rules

On odd-numbered days (November 9, 11, and 13), only vehicles with license plates ending with an odd number will be allowed.On even-numbered days (November 8, 10, and 12), only vehicles with license plates ending with an even number will be allowed.

For cross-boundary vehicles with two license plates, the mainland plate number shall prevail. For example, if your plate number ends with a "3" (as shown in the picture below), you can only drive on the above sections on odd-numbered days.


Note: Offenders of these traffic restrictions will receive a penalty of 200 yuan and 3 points on their driving record.

In addition, special vehicle channels and bus lanes will be set up, and restrictive measures will be placed on freight vehicles during the exhibition period. For more information, please click “Read more” below.

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