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Zhuhai hosts forums on aviation industrial innovation


Updated: 2022-11-09

Plaque unveiling ceremony of the General Aviation Industrial Innovation Association was held on Nov 7 in Zhuhai during a forum on general aviation industrial innovation development.

More than 100 units, including domestic general aircraft manufacturers, maintenance enterprises, and sci-tech enterprises, have applied to be members of the association. 

Li Dongtao, vice general manager of the Zhuhai-headquartered China Aviation Industry General Aircraft, which is the association's initiator, said that the establishment of the association is set to promote the formulation of aviation industrial policies, boost the effective information flow in the industry, as well as contribute to Guangdong's general aviation industrial development. 


Plaque unveiling ceremony of the General Aviation Industrial Innovation Association [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

Four sub-forums and a close-door meeting were held to probe into the general aviation industry, which is one of the most important parts of the high-end equipment manufacturing sector and the most vibrant section of the civil aviation industry.

On the same day, the two-day 2022 Aviation Special Equipment Development Forum, as well as the 19th Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Aviation Industry High-level Forum also took place in Zhuhai. 

Hundreds of academicians, experts, as well as sci-tech researchers specializing in domestic aviation, aerospace, and weapons gathered for the event, which featured 85 lectures delivered in a main forum and seven sub-forums.

Pressing issues related to new technologies in high-end aviation equipment manufacturing were discussed during the event, while technological exchanges on the digital design, automatic processing, intelligent manufacturing, and engineering application of aviation products were carried out. 

In addition, three white books on the development of the composite material industry, high-end aviation manufacturing equipment, and intelligent aviation manufacturing were released. 

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