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Overseas aerospace enterprises confident in Chinese market


Updated: 2022-11-12

The 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition was attended by 78 overseas enterprises from 42 countries and regions, including US heavyweights Boeing and Honeywell International, as well as French company Airbus SE and Dassault Systemes.

Products including trunk and feeder liners, engines, avionics systems, sensors, landing gears, aviation piping systems, composite materials, and precision machining equipment and tools were displayed by these enterprises.

Representatives of several enterprises said they are confident in the Chinese market despite the risk of a short-term recession in the global economy and will adjust their strategies and invest more in China.

Honeywell International, which has attended Airshow China for seven consecutive sessions, showcased several advanced and innovation solutions for future aerospace development such as interconnected aircraft, auxiliary power units (APU), and IntuVue three-dimensional weather radar.

Xu Jun, president of Honeywell Aerospace Asia Pacific, considers Airshow China to be a major platform for exchanges and exhibitions for Honeywell, where the enterprise can reach out to other companies and see cutting-edge industrial concepts and technologies.

Xu added that Honeywell has witnessed the development and outcomes that China's aerospace industry has achieved through sessions of Airshow China, adding that the enterprise will continue to increase investment in the Chinese market.

Dassault Systemes, a global leading digital service provider, has served many aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing. Construction of the Leishenshan Makeshift Hospital in Wuhan also benefited from the enterprise's intelligent simulation system, achieving remarkable design and construction efficiency.

Cheng Shuguang of Dassault Systemes China said the company's new 3D simulation digital solution displayed at the 14th Airshow China will be able to serve customers in manufacturing, large-scale infrastructure, and life sciences.

He noted that Airshow China could help the enterprise expand business cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


Contract signing ceremony between Boeing Beijing and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China [Photo Yu Yingwei / Zhuhai Daily]

Several deals were inked at the event. Boeing Beijing and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China will deepen cooperation in the establishment of joint research centers to further support the sustainable development of the aviation industry, while Airbus signed a series of cooperation contracts and memorandums of understanding with its Chinese partners in the areas of aircraft maintenance and material service.

In addition, Airbus announced that it has started assembling the A321 single-aisle aircraft at its final assembly line in Tianjin, and the first A321 aircraft is scheduled for delivery in early 2023.

A 737-800BCF Boeing converted freighter (BCF) jointly launched by Boeing and JD Aviation was on display. Peter Gao of Boeing noted that Boeing has been looking forward to taking full advantage of Airshow China to showcase its latest civil aircraft products, thoughtful services, and new measures in promoting sustainable development.

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