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Zhuhai's "star" products on display at Airshow China

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-11-14

At the 14th Airshow Chinaa total of 32 local exhibitors from Zhuhai have brought their "star" products that epitomize the city's achievements in scientific innovation.

(I) "Kunlong" AG600M


The AG600M is the firefighting model of China's homegrown AG600 large amphibious aircraft family. It features a maximum take-off weight of 60t, maximum water-holding capacity of 12t, and a cruising range of more than 4,000km. It was developed and assembled in Zhuhai.

(II) Unmanned Vessels from Yunzhou Intelligence


In Exhibition Hall 9, Zhuhai Yunzhou Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. is displaying two unmanned vessels of coastal defense grade – the L30 "Watchman" guard and patrol unmanned vessel and the M75 "Guardian" security and patrol unmanned vessel.


The L30 "Watchman" is a star product of coastal defense grade developed by Yunzhou Intelligence, and it has been serving on cruise and patrol duty in the waters outside the exhibition venue for two consecutive sessions of Airshow China.

The M75 "Guardian" has been put into service for the primary missions of transporting small volumes of materials and performing patrol and guard duty around oil pipelines.

(III) "Zhuhai-1" Satellite Constellation


In Exhibition Hall 6, Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is displaying the domestic core component SoC chip, the physical model of the "Zhuhai-1" satellite constellation and the YULONG series of artificial intelligence chips.


The "Zhuhai-1" is a constellation of 34 different satellites distributed in different orbits, and it can support urban data measurement by monitoring buildings, water bodies, and vegetation in cities. At present, 12 satellites of the “Zhuhai-1” constellation are under stable operation in orbit

(IV) U-Wing FTD


In Exhibition Hall 5, Guangdong U-Wing Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., a company based in Jinwan District, is introducing its independently developed Diamond DA40/42 switching flight simulator, which is the first of its kind to apply MR (Mixed Reality) technology in China.


Equipped with the latest MR head-up display, this product allows pilots to view the virtual world dynamically from all angles at a lower cost and with a smaller footprint. It also demonstrates excellent performance in displaying the reality of the scenario, making sensitive responses, and providing high-resolution animated simulations.

(V) Longhua Unmanned Helicopter


In Exhibition Hall 9, Zhuhai Lonhua Helicopters Technology Co., Ltd. has its XO series large unmanned helicopter on display, which is a 600kg, large unmanned helicopter.


In addition to the exhibit of the XO series large unmanned helicopter, the company has also independently developed the XV series unmanned aircraft for transportation, firefighting, and target drone purposes. These aircraft feature small size and large load capacity.

(VI) Naruida Series Products


In Exhibition Hall 6, Guangdong Naruida Technology Co., Ltd. has on display a variety of advanced phased-array radar systems. The various radars on display have wide applications, including weather detection, water conservancy, flood control, civil aviation, marine monitoring, forest firefighting, and public security.


The "Industry First" strategy is gaining momentum. In future, more achievements in scientific innovation will be brought to the international stage of Airshow China, showing the world the infinite possibilities of "Intelligent Manufacturing in Zhuhai"!

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