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Doumen-made tents showcased at World Cup


Updated: 2022-12-02

Liri Architecture Technology Co, based in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, has supplied Qatar, the host of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, with a multitude of tents that equal 70,000-sq-m (17-acre) worth of material. These tents provide various temporary space services for the football enthusiasts in attendance. 

The cube structure tents by Liri, the most widely used design at the 2022 FIFA World Cup, are heat insulated and can keep temperatures inside the tents consistent, making them suitable for the hot weather in Qatar.


Liri Architecture Technology Co, based in Zhuhai's Doumen, Guangdong [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Based in Doumen District, Liri was established in 1997 and its products have been used in many events such as the China Import and Export Fair, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition.

It has acquired nearly 100 patents and has taken the lead in using robot welding centers and automatic cutters to carry out the processing of aluminum profile and tarpaulin for tents, which have effectively increased the company's production quality and efficiency.

Currently, Liri Architecture and Technology is expanding its operations by constructing a second phase, which is expected to start operation in early 2024. With this addition, the company estimates that its annual output value will increase by two or three times. 



Doumen-made prefabricated tents serve Beijing Winter Olympics

Over 30 Zhuhai-made prefabricated tents with a total area of more than 10,000 sq m are used at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics as temporary sites for lounges, restaurants, press conference halls, media centers, and parking garages.

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