Notice on Regular COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures with a Science-based and Targeted Approach
According to the COVID-19 Response Plan (Version No. 9) and the Notification on Further Optimizing the COVID-19 Response with a Science-based and Targeted Approach issued by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, we hereby notify you of the control measures as follows:
1. A science-based and targeted approach shall be adopted in designating high-risk areas. In principle, the designation of high-risk areas shall be confined to specific units or buildings, and lockdown measures shall be both implemented promptly and lifted quickly once conditions permit.
2. Epidemiological investigation shall be conducted accurately. Close contacts shall be determined in a timely and accurate manner. Those who have been in the same place during the same time with persons tested positive or have been in key areas under COVID-19 prevention and control, will no longer be given a yellow health code.
3. Quarantine measures for close contacts shall be optimized. Close contacts shall undergo centralized quarantine in principle. Those who have conditions appropriate for home quarantine will be allowed to practice relevant measures at home.
4. PCR testing shall be conducted in a science-based manner. PCR testing is required for people with high exposure risks in their working environment and shall be conducted among key personnel, and shall not be carried out across the whole administrative regions except under special circumstances.
5. Efforts shall be made to accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations. All residents, especially senior citizens, are strongly advised to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
6. Normalized COVID-19 prevention and control measures shall be conducted in public places. A 72-hour negative PCR test result is required for anyone to enter hotels, guesthouses, and tourist attractions. A 48-hour negative PCR test result is required for anyone to enter crowded, enclosed public places, including internet cafés, nightclubs, chess and poker rooms, KTV, bars, sauna and bath centers, etc. Green health codes (Yuekang Code) must be presented to enter other public places.
7. On-arrival test services will continue to be provided. Travelers from other provinces may take a free PCR test upon arrival on a voluntary basis. They can leave immediately after the test and are not subject to any travel restrictions.
8. A 48-hour negative PCR test result is required for each passenger to board a flight, train, inter-provincial long-distance coach, or ferry.
9. Patients are required to present a green health code to get medical treatment at general outpatient clinics and emergency departments of hospitals. Fever clinics shall be set up and remain open where conditions permit.
10. Local governments, departments, employers, and individuals shall strictly take on their due responsibilities. All residents shall take responsibility for their own health. Please wear masks properly, wash hands often, ensure good indoor ventilation, use serving chopsticks, and avoid gatherings. If any symptoms such as fever arise, please take protective measures and seek medical advice promptly.
The measures above shall be implemented from the date of issue and will be adjusted dynamically according to the COVID-19 situation.
Thank you for your understanding, support, and cooperation.
Zhuhai Municipal COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters
December 2, 2022
A kind reminder
According to the latest requirement,
starting from December 2,
passengers only need to present a green health code, wear a mask, and have their temperature checked before boarding a bus.