Gaolan, Yantian ports connected by new direct shipping route
Zhuhai foreign trade enterprises are lauding one more economical, convenient, and efficient shipping route as Ming Hang 008, the first ship operating on the route, departed Gaolan Port International Container Terminal in Jinwan District for Shenzhen's Yantian Port on Nov 30.
Cargo for both domestic and foreign trade was loaded onto the ship, making full use of the transportation capacity while effectively reducing the route's operation cost. Cargo for foreign trade will then be loaded onto international ships for further distribution globally.
Ming Hang 008, the first ship providing direct shipping between Gaolan Port International Container Terminal and Yantian Port, docks at a berth [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Guanhai App]
Opening of the route puts an end to the absence of direct marine logistics shipping between west Zhuhai and Yantian Port. Enterprises used to transport their cargo by trailers to Yantian, at high cost.
Gaolan Port International Container Terminal, realizing this situation, reached out to Yantian Port for cooperation and formulated the transportation plan for both domestic and foreign trade cargo under the guidance and support of Gaolan Port Customs.
The new route is more low-carbon and environmentally-friendly than previous transportation plans. It can reduce the transportation cost for enterprises by around 20 percent and cut transportation time by one day, thus increasing the import and export efficiency of local foreign trade enterprises.
An official of Gaolan Port International Container Terminal noted that the route's operation could further relieve the outflow of cargo resources of Gaolan Port, boost cooperation between the two ports, and upgrade Gaolan Port's core competitiveness.
It is expected that the Gaolan Port International Container Terminal will continue to innovate port logistics and optimize layout of shipping routes, contributing to development of Zhuhai into an international hub port in South China.