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Zhuhai GDP hits 400b yuan in 2022


Updated: 2023-02-01

Zhuhai posted outstanding results in economic development in 2022 and recorded regional gross domestic product (GDP) of 404.55 billion yuan ($59.89 billion), a year-on-year growth of 2.3 percent -- 0.4 percentage point above the provincial average.

Firmly implementing the "Industry First" strategy, the city ranked fourth in the province in terms of GDP growth rate. It also topped Guangdong Province in industry and manufacturing investment growth.

The added value of local primary and secondary industries in the city increased by 7.2 percent and 7.1 percent respectively year-on-year, achieving 6.05 billion yuan ($895.85 million) and 180.81 billion yuan ($26.76 billion). The city's tertiary industry reached 217.69 billion yuan ($32.22 billion) in value, decreasing by 1.4 percent.

The added value of Zhuhai's industries above designated size went up by 6.9 percent to achieve 148.08 billion yuan ($21.92 billion) in 2022, topping Guangdong province in terms of growth rate.


Beautiful Zhuhai (shown is Xianglu Bay in Xiangzhou District) [File photo by Li Jianshu / Guanhai App]

The added value of the city's manufacturing industry above designated size climbed by 7.5 percent. This accounted for 87.6 percent of Zhuhai's total, contributing to the city's industrial economy above designated size by 92.8 percent. 

The seven pillar industries of Zhuhai, namely new-generation information technology (IT), new energy, integrated circuits (IC), biomedicine & health, smart home appliances, equipment manufacturing, and fine chemicals, all achieved at least a 9.7 percent growth in added value. Notably, smart home appliances and biomedicine & health soared by 17.1 percent and 23.8 percent each in 2022. 

The added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing grew by 9.4 percent and 9.5 percent respectively, marking a 0.8 percent and 0.5 percent rise from last year's figures.

Throughout the previous year, Zhuhai's investment in industries and manufacturing each rose by 56.4 percent and 81.6 percent. Investments for industry 5.0 space projects accounted for 30 percent of its overall industrial investment.

Zhuhai's total import and export volume in 2022 decreased by 8 percent to 305.35 billion yuan ($45.19 billion) due to the shrink in market demands. Of note, the export volume of high-tech products continued to rise, showing a year-on-year increase of 10.7 percent to 56.85 billion yuan ($8.4 billion).

The local general public budget revenue went up by 1.7 percent, and totaled at 43.74 billion yuan ($6.47 billion). The number of citywide registered market entities was 417,490 as of November 2022, which is 4.2 percent higher than that of the end of 2021. 

The per capita disposable income of Zhuhai residents increased by 2.6 percent, averaging at 62,976 yuan ($9,320) in 2022, and the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 1.2 percent year-on-year.

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