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Zhuhai promotes investment environment in Shenzhen


Updated: 2023-03-09

Thirty projects worth 18.91 billion yuan ($2.71 billion) were signed during an investment environment promotion conference of Zhuhai on March 7 in Shenzhen. Over 100 representatives of Shenzhen enterprises attended the event.

Qin Chun, vice mayor of Zhuhai, noted that Shenzhen and Zhuhai are among China's first batch of special economic zones. Zhuhai has been continuously unleashing and developing its productive forces since China's Reform and Opening-up policy was adopted in December 1978, achieving leapfrog socioeconomic development.

Zhuhai in 2023 will further develop its four leading industries: new-generation information technology (IT), new energy, integrated circuits (IC), and biomedicine and health, as well as the three advantageous industries of smart home appliances, equipment manufacturing, and fine chemicals.


March 7 contract-signing ceremony held in Shenzhen [Photo by Zhong Fan / Guanhai App]

Qin added that Shenzhen entrepreneurs are welcome to visit Zhuhai and invest in the city, which has been dedicated to creating a world-leading business environment and offering whole-journey "nanny" services for projects to settle there.

Liu Haolu, head of Zhuhai Investment Attraction Office, introduced the city's investment environment by focusing on the following seven areas: transportation networks, industrial foundation, space for industrial development, policy systems, living environment, human resources, and government service.

Xiao Fen, founder and chairman of Shenzhen Fenda Technology, said during the event that the high working efficiency of the Zhuhai government has facilitated the growth of his enterprise. Xiao also expressed confidence in the enterprise's future development in the city. 

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