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Zhuhai sees tourism boom during 5-day holiday


Updated: 2023-05-05

Zhuhai received 2.1 million visitors, achieved total tourism revenue of 1.27 billion yuan ($183.6 million), and saw a surge in public transportation passenger volume during the May Day holiday, which ran from April 29 to May 3, according to statistics released by the Zhuhai Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports and Zhuhai Transport Bureau.

Zhuhai's aviation passenger throughput during the holiday registered at 192,504 people, an increase of 422.31 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, its highway passenger volume rose by 166.04 percent, sitting at 67,900, and its water transportation sector saw a passenger throughput of 183,850, indicating an increase of 242.98 percent. 

China Southern Airlines dispatched A330 wide-body aircraft to conduct flights from Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport to Beijing Daxing International Airport, in order to improve visitor's traveling experience. 


Visitors enjoy their holiday at Mangzhou Wetland Park in Hengqin [Photo by Zeng Yao / Guanhai App]

Intervals between flights from Zhuhai to popular destinations such as Changsha, in Hunan Province, were shortened and more staff members were scheduled to provide considerate services for passengers.

Ships running between Shenzhen's Shekou and Zhuhai's Jiuzhou Port Passenger Terminal were increased from the previous 38 to 50, shortening the intervals to 30 minutes. Additionally, the shipping route linking Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport and Hengqin Passenger Wharf opened before the holiday, and more vessels were put into operation on the shipping route connecting Hengqin and Jiuzhou Port Passenger Terminal.

More than 20 shuttle buses running between Guangzhou and Zhuhai were available during the holiday, and ticket prices were also discounted.

Of note, island tours to Qi'ao, Changqin, Dong'ao, and Guishan islands were popular among tourists, while folk cultural activities and rural ecological leisure tours allowed visitors to experience the city's rich cultural and ecological resources. 

In addition, public green space in Hengqin such as the Hengqin Flower Corridor, Mangzhou Wetland Park and the Small Hengqin Mt Trail received more than 22,000 visitors on May 1, with visitor numbers at the Hengqin Flower Corridor exceeding 15,000. Statistics showed that parks in Hengqin welcomed 47,040 visitors within the first three days of the holiday.

Two public lessons were held at Rest Station No 5 of the Hengqin Flower Corridor on April 30 and May 1. They attracted lots of residents and children from Hengqin and Macao. Study tours were arranged on May 2 and 3 at Mangzhou Wetland Park, which focused on the protection of migrant birds and wetlands.

Hengqin has become an ideal place for short weekend tours. People can not only enjoy the beautiful natural landscape in Hengqin, but also learn more about animals and plants that reside and grow here.

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