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Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway's link line to finish construction by year end


Updated: 2023-08-09

The renovation project for the link line of the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway entered the final stage of drilling through its last tunnel in July. Once operational, the 4.5-kilometer (2.8-mile) urban expressway will become a fast pass connecting the expressway's Zhuhai Exit and the Gaoxin Interchange. 

The dual six-lane main line will have no traffic lights, with a designated speed limit of 80 kmph (50 mph), while its auxiliary lanes on both sides will be classified as urban secondary roads. 

The construction period of the project is 24 months, and it is expected to achieve full completion by the end of the year. Starting from the southern end of the Zhuhai Xiazha Toll Station, the project's main line runs south along the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway's link line with a tunnel under Jinhuan Road towards the Zhongshan-Zhuhai Flood Discharge Channel (Zhongzhuqu) area. 

The original Zhongzhuqu Bridge will be demolished, and a new one will be built. After crossing the bridge, the main line passes through the tunnel beneath Jinfeng Road and connects to the Gaoxin Interchange, facilitating seamless connections with the Xingye Expressway, Gangwan Avenue, and the northern extension of the Jinqin Expressway.

Duan Jianfei, a person in charge of the project, said that the project's key construction nodes are the new Zhongzhuqu Bridge, its ramp bridge as well as two tunnels under Jinfeng Road and Jinhuan Road.


The Zhongzhuqu Bridge is under construction. [Photo by Chen Xinnian / Zhuhai Daily]

The Zhongzhuqu Bridge is 460 meters (503 yd) long, and its left auxiliary bridge is 143 meters (156 yd) long. The tunnels under Jinfeng Road and Jinhuan Road are 475 meters (519 yd) and 483.5 meters (529 yd) long, respectively.

Currently, the main structures of the Zhongzhuqu Bridge's main bridge and two tunnels have been completed, and construction has started on the subsidiary project. 

Duan noted that a gas pipeline relocation project is also in the works in the tunnel under Jinfeng Road, which is currently undergoing acceptance. If the relocation is completed in time, the project is expected to be finished by the end of the year.

The Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway's link line (Xiazha Interchange-Jinfeng Road section) is not only the vital artery for accessing Zhuhai from Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but also serves as an important gateway to the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Xiangzhou District. 

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