Airshow China helps business soar in Zhuhai
Airshow China has provided a massive boost to business in Zhuhai and continues to showcase pioneering developments in aviation.
Zhuhai's reputation ready for takeoff
The upcoming Women’s Tennis Association Elite Trophy and the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition have together brought Zhuhai in South China’s Guangdong province the world’s attention.
Zhuhai to host aviation, tennis and circus stars
It's going to be a busy November in the city of Zhuhai which will host Airshow China, an elite WTA event and the third China International Circus Festival.
Global events to boost city’s development
A series of high-profile events will be held in Zhuhai in the coming months of this year, bringing excitement to both local residents and visitors.
Sailing contest ideal promotion for growing sport
Zhuhai is attracting growing attention from Chinese aquatic sports fans now that it will host China’s largest and highest-level sailing competition from Oct. 18 to 23.