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Hengfu Jewelry

Updated : 2018-03-31


Hengfu Jewelry [Photo provided to english.snd.gov.cn] 

“Hengfu” means the store’s reputation will remain forever. It was established in 1806, the Emperor Jiaqing Period in Qing Dynasty (1688-1911). Its headquarters are situated in Guanqian Street, Suzhou. With a long history of 200 years, it is one of the four historical famous silver jewelry brands. In addition, Hengfu is the only national level jewelry brand to win “China Time-Honored Brand” honor in Suzhou.

Add: No 26, Xuguan South Street, Huqiu district

Tel: +86-512-65983853

Transportation: take bus No 8, 85 (part-station stops), 306, 311, 323, 441 and 529, get off at Huifeng Huayuan East Station (Station of East Huifeng Huayuan Community)

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