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35 provincial-level projects start construction in SND

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2021-03-02


A total of 105 key projects care either signed or begin operating in Suzhou New District on Feb 20. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

A total of 35 projects in Suzhou New District that are ranked provincial-level started construction on Feb 26, local media outlets reported.

The projects consisted of two innovative platforms and 33 industrial projects, attracting a total of 20.47 billion yuan ($3.15 billion) in investment. They mainly cover emerging industries such as biopharmaceuticals, new materials, new-generation information technology, big data, industrial internet, and 5G telecommunications.

Cheersson's the third-phase plant for precision components was one of the projects. It was designed with 22 production lines, which can manufacture 480 million precision components for automobiles every year once reach full capacity, generating sales revenue of 1.03 billion yuan.

Ambilight's regional headquarters and R&D and production base was also one of the projects. It will focus on manufacturing printed electrochromic thin films, with its technology leading the international level for three to five years. It customers include many global top 500 companies. With an investment of 1 billion yuan, the first-phase of the project is expected to generate 700 million yuan in annual sales revenue and pay taxes of 60 million yuan.

Statistics show that SND brought into construction 125 projects with a total of 38.03 billion yuan in investment in 2020. The district is expected to start construction on 151 projects this year, with a total investment of 41.55 billion yuan.

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