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4 SND-based companies recognized as 'little giants'

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2021-08-05


Suzhou TFC Optical Communication Co is established in 2005 and goes public on the board of growth enterprises in 2015. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb] 

Suzhou TFC Optical Communication Co was established in 2005 and went public on the board of growth enterprises in 2015. As a solutions provider for optical devices, the company's products are widely used in telecommunication networks, data centers, enterprise networks and other fields.

The company has R&D branches in Japan and Shenzhen in Guangdong province, a production base in Jiangxi province, as well as sales braches in Shenzhen, Wuhan in Hubei province, and the United States.

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