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SND adds two provincial intangible cultural heritage items


Two intangible cultural heritage items from Suzhou New District in East China's Jiangsu province recently received provincial recognition.


S. Korean company opens software center in SND


HL Mando, a South Korea-based electric vehicle and autonomous driving solution supplier, opened a software center – SW Campus China – in SND on Nov 14.

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What delicacies are on offer in SND


Six dishes from SND's agricultural entertainment establishments were recently recognized as specialty dishes of Suzhou-style agricultural entertainment eateries.

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SND shines at sixth CIIE


The sixth China International Import Expo is being held in Shanghai, with 129 businesses and 509 people in SND having signed up for the annual event.

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Su embroidery wows Louvre Museum


An intangible cultural heritage exhibition is underway at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, from Nov 2 to 5.


Young generations breathe new life into ancient craft


The traditional Suzhou embroidery industry is taking on a new look in Zhenhu subdistrict, Suzhou New District.

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