• http://regional.chinadaily.com.cn/gansu/jiuquan/2023-08/16/c_911241.htm
  • http://regional.chinadaily.com.cn/gansu/jiuquan/2023-08/16/c_911125.htm
  • http://regional.chinadaily.com.cn/gansu/jiuquan/filmingandphotography.html
  • Performance brings murals in Mogao Caves to life

    Performance brings murals in Mogao Caves to life
    A new performance in Dunhuang, Northwest China's Gansu province, revives the musical and dance scenes depicted in the murals of the Mogao Caves and offers an immersive experience for the audience to experience the charm of the UNESCO World Heritage site.

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Copyright © Jiuquan Municipal People’s Government. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.