• Jiuquan is home to a diverse range of wildlife

    Jiuquan is home to a diverse range of wildlife
    Jiuquan city in Northwest China's Gansu province boasts five national parks and nine provincial-level nature reserves that are home to a diverse range of wildlife.
  • China launches Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship

    China launches Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship
    China on Thursday launched the Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship to send three taikonauts to its orbiting Tiangong space station for a six-month mission.
  • World Book Day sparks a love for reading in Gansu

    World Book Day sparks a love for reading in Gansu
    On the 29th World Book and Copyright Day, a wide array of reading activities has swept across Gansu province, transforming libraries and bookstores into hubs of literary enthusiasm. These initiatives aim to making reading more accessible to readers, fostering a lifelong passion for the written word.
  • China prepares for next manned mission

    China prepares for next manned mission
    China's next manned mission, the Shenzhou XVIII, is scheduled to be launched in coming days to transport three astronauts to the Tiangong space station, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

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Copyright © Jiuquan Municipal People’s Government. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © Jiuquan Municipal People’s Government. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.