Guilin acts to creat a world class tourism city
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Embarking on a journey to explore agricultural heritage of Guanyang



Claire, a journalist from Guilin city, and her friend Ziggy [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]

In Guanyang county, Guilin, there are charming Gui Opera and lively Caidiao performances, as well as waterwheels irrigating the fields and camellia oil tea that refreshes people. These cultural treasures not only represent traditional ways of life but also reflect the rich history of Guanyang. 


Students from Guilin No.18 Middle School and Daxu Middle School in Lingchuan county [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]


The picturesque Lianxi Lu [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]

On March 31st, Claire, a journalist from Guilin city, and her friend Ziggy, walked into Guanyang. Together with thousands of students, they embarked on a study tour of China's agricultural heritage in the county. They explored the unique charm of Guanyang's agricultural heritage culture in the picturesque Wenshi Town, Lianxilu.


Students learn how to make waterwheels [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]

The waterwheel is a great invention of ancient Chinese people. It plays an important role in the drainage and irrigation of farmland and has a certain position in the history of human civilization and agricultural culture development. 

Although today's waterwheels no longer serve a production role, they are still a symbol of national culture and a microcosm of traditional Chinese agriculture. Students said that they have the obligation to learn and protect them, combine them with the agricultural and folk cultures of the Chinese nation, and let our future generations know how advanced our ancestors' wisdom was. 


Students learn how to make camellia oil tea [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]

The custom of drinking camellia oil tea has a long history in Guanyang. It originated from the fact that Guanyang has a high terrain, dense forests, and a cold and humid climate. The camellia oil tea can dispel the cold and dampness, and it has become a delicacy for people to entertain guests around the fire over time. Its production process is exquisite and complex, and it is worth studying in depth. In recent years, Guanyang has combined camellia tea oil culture with traditional folk cultural activities, promoting it as a delicacy, which has become a famous feature of Guanyang's cuisine in the world.

Guanyang is the land of Gui opera. Tang Jingsong, a famous figure in the late Qing Dynasty, is the founder of the Gui opera. He combined the local opera of northern Guangxi with the Chinese Pihuang opera. He wrote scripts and composed music, formed a drama troupe, trained famous actors, and created a broad stage for Gui Opera. Today, Guanyang people explore and promote Gui opera as an intangible cultural heritage, making it shine brightly on the world cultural stage.


A group photo of teachers who teach Gui opera and Caidiao performance, the students who study it, and teachers from Guanyang county Intangible Cultural Heritage Center [Photo provided by Wu Qiufu]

Ziggy said that through observation and learning of Guanyang's intangible cultural heritage, he felt that Guanyang (which means "full of sunshine" in Chinese) not only has beautiful scenery but also has a vast and profound history and culture. He said he must promote it to the world, let the world know more about China and Guanyang, and let the sunshine of Guanyang brighten the world.

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